To delete the biometric data of an user that was already registered from the system, you must use the delete operation. For the request body, you need to insert a Person object, where the only content will be the CustomID of the person whose biometric data you want to delete. An example of how the request body would look like can be seen below:
For the request header, just insert the content type and your subscription key, replacing <API-KEY> in the example below:
Lastly, complete the request inserting the specification that it’s a DELETE method, the URL, the header and the body, as shown in the example below, written in Python, but that can be seen in several other programming languages in our documentation:
After sending the request, the system will send a message containing the response code. If it’s an error code, such as 400 or 401, make sure your subscription key and JSON text were written properly, according to the given examples. If the code 200 (OK) is returned, it means your transaction was completed successfully, the person’s biometric data was deleted from the database and you can keep with your next requests.
The response message from the system for the request made in the example can be seen below, consisting of a Person object that contains the CustomID informed in the request: